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USS Newport News Work Party; Sept 19-22, 2002
Memorial Service, honoring the 30 years anniversary of the T-2 Explosion

A message from Al Siegel
USS Newport News Museum President.
Copied from an email sent 09/25/2002

To all our shipmates:

You will all be pleased to know that last Saturday, on board the USS Salem, there was a memorial service dedicated to those who lost their lives on Oct 1, 1972. The service was attended by members of the Museum/memorial work party and their families.  There was a great turnout.

The service was led by Chuck Zendner, a '72 corpsman, assisted by other '72 vets who read each name aloud. Chuck had much to say about the events that day. We had a local minister present who said some very touching words, and a wreath was tossed into the sea by Richard Jordan, a '72 gunner's mate.

Al Babson, GMG2 69-72, and Joe Shea SN 61-63, have been working long hours to get T2 of the Salem in shape to be a fitting memorial to our fallen comrades.  The numerous members of the work party, worked diligently to help them achieve that goal.

A memorial plaque was attached to the port side of T2 listing the 20 names of the men we lost.

At the reunion next June, the Memorial will be formally dedicated.  It is my earnest wish that all of you attend.  You can get more information about the reunion by accessing our web site - http://www.uss-newport-news.com/reunion/


Best regards,

Al Sie
gel ETR2; Museum President.
OE Division 1967-1970


1972 crew members participated in the 30 year memorial service held on the USS Salem.
Attending the memorial service was a crowed of almost 100 crew members of the USS Newport News,
the USS Salem and their families.
(From left to right, Mike Treece, Al Babson, Richard Jordan, Pastor Ann, Chuck Zendner)

The memorial bell was ran by Mike Treece; MM3 1970-73
as e
ach of our fallen shipmates name was read by Jim Lawler, FNBT 1972-73

The closing of the Ceremony was performed by Richard Jordan, a '72 gunner's mate
who helped bring perspective to this even and tossed the memorial wreath into the sea.

As soon as the wreath hit the water, a large flock of doves came out of near where the wreath landed,
circled over the crowed and then returned to their original location. 
(Maybe they were pigeons, but it was a very impressive sight.)

For more information about the turret explosion of  October 1972,
visit our web pages at

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