Shipmates Search Page.

"NN Shipmates Search Screen"
See "Tips and instructions" at the bottom of this page.

Want to search the USS Newport News website for a shipmate name or email address?

1. In the "Google Custom Search box" below, input the shipmates name, or Email address, or what ever words you want to search for.
2. Click the "Start Search" button and a list of pages with the word(s) you are looking for will appear down below.

How to use the "NN Shipmates Search Screen"

1.   In the "Shipmates Search box" above, input the shipmates name, or Email address,  or what ever words you want to search for.

2.  Click the "Start Search" button and a list of pages with the word(s) you are looking for will appear down below.

  •    This list will show.

  • Document Title (Page Description)

  • Date the file was last updated (Who Cares?)

  • Size of the file (Who Cares?)

  • Score. (The Higher the score, the more likely this is the page you want. You are only interested in the first 2 or 3 pages on the list)

3.  Click on the page you want to go to. Now use your standard "Web page Search process" like you would with any document.

  • Click [Edit] 

  • Then click [Find] 

  • Re-enter the word you are looking for to locate it on that specific page. 

Tips--- "too many pages listed!"

If the list of "Pages" you get back on your search results is a LONG List, only bother with the top 3 pages on the list and pick the page with the best description.

Tips--- "searching for email address
1.   When searching for a Email Address, The Leave off the ".com" or ".net",  If you put in, You will get every address that ends with ".COM" because the period makes the search engine think "com" is a separate word. So bobjones@aol is a better search word.

2. BUT, the above will also give you every person who's email address ends in "@aol" because the "@" makes the search engine think that AOL is a word. So, to really narrow it down, just put in "BOBJONES"

Crew Members Contact pages. USS Newport News Home Page